07 Juni 2007

QED, at last

After 3/4 academic year studying general principles of quantum field theories with examples from toy theories like φ4, we have finally come to quantum electrodynamics (and QCD and QFD), to the real world! Not that it looks very different, more real or something, but at least we are talking about electrons instead of undefined 'particles'. Again, not that electrons are that well-defined (elementary particles are still a bit of a mystery to me), but still, they make up much of our bodies, for example. And that makes the whole topic feel more 'real', in a sense. It's nice :).


Anonymous Anonym said...

Nou, dat klinkt best spannend! Net mijn mossenonderzoek: ik onderzoek de database, en weet nog niet twee mossen van elkaar te onderscheiden... ik kan er alleen maar mee rekenen.

13.06.07, 09:16  

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