10 November 2006


Treffen sich ein Mathematiker, ein Physiker und eine Romanistin...

This was on the posters announcing a party organised by the student associations for maths/physics and romance languages. I found it rather funny, and said so to a girl from my choir, who studies Spanish and English. She agreed, but said that it was true as well, quoting gender ratios of 1 to 30 in her classes. Apparently, the traditionality of German universities is not limited to the use of old words such as Kommilitone and habits such as akademisches Klatschen, but also extends to the gender divisions between various fields of study.
I have indeed noticed a clear difference, but nowhere near 1 to 30, at any rate in my classes (three physics and one maths). Also, when I went to the party with this girl from the choir and a few friends of hers, those friends were mainly Romanisten, i.e. male romance language students.
The party itself was what I suppose the UC Beach Party must be like, except for the fact that it was at the beginning, rather than the end of term/year. Crowded, music of moderate quality (I noticed many poor covers of originally nice songs) with the exception of the accidental Nirvana song, a bit too loud to be able to talk to each other, etc.. I don't think I'll be going to many of those, but now I've at least seen why :).